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seven summits adventure (Europe)
Mt. Elbrus is the highest point of Europe. The Caucasus Main Range is considered to be a border between Europe to the North and Asia to the South in most (but not all) guidebooks and encyclopedias. Two main Mt. Elbrus summits are about 11 km (6.8 miles) to the North from the Main Range, inside European territory. The Main Range is a state border between Russia and Georgia. Both countries are parts of former USSR country but now are absolutely independent states.
There is no need of Georgian visa to climb Elbrus because all Elbrus area and the mountain itself is within Russian territory. It is not simple to reach Georgia from Elbrus area by car because one must go through one of three border guard posts. Two of them (in Abkhazia and South Ossetia) are in unstable areas where Georgian government has no control. Third one is near Vladikavkaz city. Abkhazian post is closed at all and other two post are only for Russians and Georgians. Western summit 5642.7 m and Eastern summit 5621 m with the Saddle elevation 5416 m. Glaciations area (more then 50 glaciers) is about 144 square km (56 square miles). Snow-line (in August) - 3400 m (11483 ft).
Elbrus stands 20 km (12 mi) north of the main range of the Greater Caucasus and 65 km (40 miles) south-southwest of the Russian town of Kislovodsk. Its permanent icecap feeds 22 glaciers, which in turn give rise to the Baksan, Kuban, and Malka Rivers. Elbrus sits on a moving tectonic area, and has been linked to a fault. Apparently, Elbrus has a "deep" supply of magma that resides underneath it.
The ancients knew the mountain as Strobilus, Latin for 'pine cone', a direct loan from the ancient Greek strobilos, meaning 'a twisted object' a long established botanical term that describes the shape of the volcano's summit. Myth held that here Zeus had chained Prometheus, the Titan who had stolen fire from the gods and given it to ancient man — likely a reference to historic volcanic activity.The lower of the two summits was first ascended on 10 July 1829 (Julian calendar) by Khillar Khachirov, a Karachay guide for an Imperial Russian army scientific expedition led by General Emmanuel, and the higher (by about 40 m—130 ft) in 1874 by an English expedition led by F. Crauford Grove and including Frederick Gardner, Horace Walker, and Swiss climber Peter Knubel. During the early years of the Soviet Union, mountaineering became a popular sport of the masses, and there was tremendous traffic on the mountain. In the winter of 1936, a very large group of inexperienced Komsomol members attempted the mountain, and ended up suffering many fatalities when they slipped on the ice and fell to their deaths.

Everest [Asia]
Vinson Massif
Carstensz Pyramid
ELIAN TRAVEL- Russian travel agency.
Russia, 3575327summits:
Everest [Asia]
Vinson Massif
Carstensz Pyramid
ELIAN TRAVEL- Russian travel agency.
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